
We encourage our players to make Crea videos, such as playthrough or instruction videos and livestreams. We are fine with publishing these videos to your website or YouTube or similar video sharing services. You are free to use Crea content, music and logos in your videos, as long as they are used only in the context of Crea. (For example, you can’t use Crea music for a video about a different game.)

You are free to monetize your videos via the YouTube partner program and similar programs on other video sharing sites. Please don’t ask us to write YouTube and tell them its fine with us to post a particular video using Crea content. Just point them to this page.

If you do make a Crea video, we would appreciate it if you would mention that Crea is still in development. Oh, and share it with us too so we can share it with our community. Thanks!

One thought on “Video Policy

  1. Pingback: Weekly Recap #24 | Siege Games

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