Jasson is currently at the Game Developer’s Conference in San Francisco, networking with other indie game devs from around the world and spreading the good news of Crea. He’ll be back next week!
Jasson is currently at the Game Developer’s Conference in San Francisco, networking with other indie game devs from around the world and spreading the good news of Crea. He’ll be back next week!
we will be rooting for him to come home safely and also with more friends then the bloke can poke a stick at :P,. btw why are you not there ?
Thanks lemonrev! I’m not there because a Indie Summit pass and all the travel arrangements are a bit expensive. Also I have illustration work to do. I’m sure Jasson will have some great guy time with all the other twenty-something developers at GDC!
LOL, think to your self you get some self time
great to hear
I miss you guys
I miss you more than I missed last time. Baby come back.