Building Menus

The majority of my Crea time was spent working on the character creation menu. Once I got that fully functional, I moved onto designing and developing the character selection. In the middle of that I realized that my hacked together menu system finally needed to be upgraded. After some designing, I have come up with a much more manageable menu system, which means cranking out the world select and creation should be a breeze. That is once I get to those. In the meantime I am back on the character selection menu screen, which I should be finishing up tomorrow.

I would like to show screenshots of the character creation but I have left the UI extremely messy for David to come through and clean it up.Once he gets a chance to do that then I’ll be sure to post some screenshots.

In other news, Kelley will be finishing up her school semester this week and will be able to put much more focus into Crea so expect to see lots of visual goodies over the next few weeks. I know I’m looking forward to it!

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