Latest Happenings

Hey, I missed last week’s update. Things have been busy for me! Lots of work, real life events and Diablo 3 have all been keeping me occupied. Fortunately all of these are wrapping up for me – just one last wedding this upcoming weekend. I still have managed to get some work on Crea done and soon much more.

Tiles changed from 24×24 to 16×16. This is a fairly large gameplay change but it is a good one as it will give players more creative freedom. Along with this change, Kelley remade and cleaned up the various tile types. Before too long we’ll put up a screenshot of them in game. For now this small sample will have to do!

In other news, we have been refining the character customizations and ensuring that they are implemented 100%. This includes things like adding armor to the character and what not. We still have some work left but it is coming together.

Kelley has also been working on some animations. Here is the walking animation. These are the base graphics we use for the character. Everything in game can be swapped out for other images and/or recolored.

The character and clothing are about 20 small images put together using Spriter. We also have a running, walking, jumping, falling, and swinging animations. All of which you will be seeing in good time.

David has been putting together a mockup of the final UI. Nothing about it has been finalized yet but just the mockup gives the game a much more polished look. Once we get something a little more final then I will be sure to post it.

Things are starting to come together!

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