Looking Ahead

After a year of working on the engine, server, content pipeline and refining the game’s design, we are finally getting close to having something tangible; a playable demo. Although, I do use the word ‘playable’ lightly. This playable demo will enable two people to launch the client engine, login to the game through the server and be entered into a simple queue. Once two people are in the queue the server will create a match and the two players will be matched up against each other. They will be able to play through the entire match. This may sound insignificant, but believe me that this is tremendous progress and a major milestone.

Once this milestone is reached, a series of changes are planned to ramp up Crea’s development. I plan to share the playable demo with a select few and try to get some early feedback. Meanwhile, I will begin searching for an additional developer or two to join the project. I am hoping that by having something playable I can attract some more passion and talent to the team. Around the same time I will also be looking for an artist. Art is pivotal for the majority of games and I believe that is especially true for Crea. Consequently, I will be looking into hiring an artist to create the core art assets.

After the aforementioned art assets are incorporated into the game, we will begin seeking additional development funds. The likely sources will be crowdfunding (kickstarter.com) and indie game competitions. The less likely sources, that I will at least be considering, are seeking a publisher and VC investment.

As you can see, it is an exciting time for Crea now. I am looking forward to seeing things continue coming together. I hope you are too!

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