Weekly Recap #28

Lots to update you on this week! Greenlight update, Supershow announcement and Crea update details.

This last week has been a good one. We have moved up to 84% to top 100 on Greenlight (Vote for us on Greenlight) and had a good sale day towards the end of the Humble Winter Sale. If we keep this momentum Crea could be Greenlit soon – maybe even this month! This is really exciting. I’m looking forward to being able to share Crea with a larger audience, but first we have much work ahead of us. I’ve seen several games launch on Early Access that were not prepared for release, so I want to make sure that Crea is at a really solid place when it becomes available on Steam. It’s especially important that Crea’s development is further along so that the differences from Terraria and Starbound are more apparent.


We have been invited to be part of the Indie Showcase livestream. This is a 48 hour livestream where devs are joining streamers as their game is played. Crea is on Saturday morning at 3:30-4:00AM PST. It’d be great to see some of you there. Even if you cant catch the Crea portion you should check out the event – lots of amazing games. Let your friends know about it too! Here is the schedule for the first half: http://greenlitgaming.com/indieshowcase/

Kelley, Aaron and I have been working hard at wrapping up this massive update. Finally after 10~ weeks we will be releasing the update this week. This update is jam-packed with new content: NPCs, a boss fight, revamped treasure, standalone sever, upgrade-able bags, tweaked researching, mannequins, new armor, and the list goes on. I am hoping to push the build out to omega testers today or tomorrow. Once it has cleared testing I’ll publish it onto the Humble store for everyone.

The next few updates will have much shorter turn around times. Once this update it out I plan to turn my focus on polishing some existing content. Underground will be receiving some attention. I may work on the main menu since what is currently there is merely a placeholder. The character creation is in major need of a facelift. We will see though. I’m listening to your feedback so be sure to let me know what you think.

3 thoughts on “Weekly Recap #28

  1. kirabook

    I’m really looking forward to a snazzy new main menu and character screen. After all, those are the first things players will see when starting the game. c8

    I mainly suggested bigger text, bigger buttons, and a zoom in on the character sprite. I know there was some problem with the color not representing the actual color on the spirte… and I noticed something.

    In photoshop, there’s the hue and saturation settings. Unless you checkmark “colorize”, the color bar doesn’t always represent the color on the image. Maybe… something similar is going on here?

  2. Richard

    Love the update i will check the omega part shortly to test, Been running around shopping and doing things around the house and stuff busy times, anyways.

    I will keep an eye out for that indi thing and maybe let others know about it as well,

    Im pleased to hear we have moved up on steams greenlight page, i hope my post in carmageddon’s site helped out much :).

    Heres to ya thanks for working so hard on the game.


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