Mac Port Progress

Figured this was noteworthy – I got Crea running on mac now! It does have some graphical issues that I need to iron out but besides that things are running smoothly! And no, the toolbar is not having graphical issues – it looks bad (particularly the bag area) because I made it.

Anyways, this is huge news, mostly because it proves that what I have been developing is in fact portable. This also means that the linux port is not too far away, but it will still be awhile before I do get to the Linux port. Don’t worry though – Early Beta will have all 3 platforms!

3 thoughts on “Mac Port Progress

  1. gunni

    Do you have an estimate on early beta and/or full release? And also, is it open/closed beta? If closed, what do I need to do to get in? :)

    1. Jasson Post author

      Early beta is looking like sometime in December at best, Beta a few weeks after that, and full release is February-ish. Beta will be closed but we plan to allow people to buy in. More details will follow once we are in Early Beta.

  2. Chaos

    Can’t wait to see this game in action. I really look forward to seeing just what it’s capable of doing! I’ve been keeping up with you guys since the Kickstarter, so every time there’s some progress made it gets me eager to see even more! Good luck with a beta (if there is one) for I would certainly want to play it ^w^


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