Character Progression

Want some details on the “RPG elements” that will be included in Crea? You got it!

One of our major focuses for Crea is adding in character progression and a sense of personal attachment to characters. There are several aspects to character progression – this post is about character leveling.

Characters will have a set of the usual stats: HP, AP (Action Points), Attack, Defense, Magic Attack, Magic Defense, Agility and Dexterity.

Additionally, characters have “proficiencies.” These are skill levels in four different areas: fighting, crafting, exploring, and gathering. Each proficiency has its own experience level and experience points. So, craft items to gain proficiency in crafting. Pick mushrooms and other plants to gain proficiency in gathering, and so on.

As a proficiency levels up the character will unlock new skills. Once a skill is unlocked the character is able to allocate experience from that proficiency to their new skill. Some skills are passive, and always in effect. Subsequent levels in a skill will raise its efficacy.

As usual, all of this is going to be easily moddable. Want to add a “cooking” proficiency? New “Triple Jump” skill for the exploration proficiency? Not a problem! Are there any proficiencies you’d like to see us add to Crea?

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6 thoughts on “Character Progression

  1. Paul Peterson

    With crafting proficiency, will there be some kind of scale? Like, the more complex the recipe, the more proficiency points you receive? I think it’d be kind of cheap if you could were rewarded the same points for crafting sticks or wood blocks for example than you would for a powerful weapon or extra durable tool.

    It might be cool to have some kind of “spidey sense” that could lead you in the right direction for a chosen material. The more valuable resources would require players to put more experience into the skill. Just a thought

  2. jmcmorris Post author

    We have not decided exactly how we want to do this yet. Right now we are leaning towards recipes having a level. The difference between your crafting level and the recipe level will determine the amount of experience you gain from the craft as well as the quality of the item. Crafting a item at a much lower level will yield little to no experience but have higher chances to have positive stats or create multiples of it.

    I don’t completely understand your second paragraph. Care to expand on that? :)

    1. Paul Peterson

      Sure, let me re-phrase that.

      Let’s say one of my recipes called for gold, and I needed some gold ore but was having trouble finding it. I could use the skill to select “gold”, and an arrow or something would lead me in the right direction. The higher the level in the skill, the more rare the material it can lead you to? And maybe the arrows would disappear when you’re really close, still requiring a bit of digging to find it?

      Something to that effect.

      1. Jasson Post author

        Ah, gotcha. Yeah, we have talked about having skills that help you find materials. We haven’t decided on them yet but that would go under the “Gather” proficiency. :)

  3. Gabriel Reynolds

    Reposting a reply to a thread Kelley posted on deviantART…

    One thing you shouldn’t forget about making easy is changing or modding the random generation of land. Its really quite tedious and hard to build cities and infrastructure all on your own (or even with a group), especially if you’re trying to make it the size of a city. Even a few basic options would help people out a lot. Maybe something like making a building tileset for the random generator to pick parts from could work? I don’t know. Haha.

    It would definitely help if people made custom ores and other natural environmental stuff for use in their servers and such.

    And it would also set your game quite far from the others. Really creating unique worlds for those who want them.

    1. Jasson Post author

      Hello Gabriel :)

      Definitely going to be able to mod the world generation (it is easy to add new biomes to the game – one could be a city biome). We are also planning to add a build mode where players are able to focus on building worlds and not playing a character.

      It is extremely easy to make new tile types such as ores – and then put them in your own biomes. :)

      At the moment I believe all content is moddable and I’m striving to keep it that way as we add new content types. I’ll make a list of this sometime…


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