Feature – Component-based Engine

This feature is fundamental to the game design and consequently all of the features. That is why it is being covered first. The next feature I plan to cover will be much more interesting – promise!


The engine that powers Crea is known as a Component-based engine. For anyone interested in modding Crea, this is a crucial aspect of the game to understand. Everything in Crea is made up of entities, and an entity is a container for holding multiple components. A component is common logic encapsulated.

Lets say we want to represent a table in Crea. We would start with a blank entity, then add a render component and direct it to use the table sprite. Having a render component enables the entity to be rendered – in other words, now the table will show up in the game. Next we add an item component which enables the table to be carried in a character’s inventory. Finally we want to add a craft component, which enables the table to be crafted.


As you can see, an entity is the sum of its contained components. It’s a pretty simple process of using components like building blocks to create something new.
A component-based engine is by nature very modular. There are currently 30 different components and growing. Here are some component examples.
  • Render – Used for rendering the entity
  • Animation – Enables the entity to be animated (requires render component)
  • Item – Treats the entity as an item making it possible to add to inventories
  • Craft – Makes it possible to craft the entity (requires item component)
  • Interactive – There are several ways to interact with an entity. Right click on it to “interact” or “use” it from your toolbar are just two examples.
  • Placement – Enables an item to be placed into the world from inventory (requires item component)
  • Monster – Treats the entity as a monster.

Sometimes, as a modder, you’ll find yourself in need of a component that does not exist – at least not yet! It is entirely possible to create a new type of component. Components have a simple interface and are created in a python script just like the rest of the content.



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