Open Development

Little kids look up to firefighters, police officers, and astronauts and make one their role model. Similarly, I am a little indie kid and I look up to Wolfire as my role model. They are working on Overgrowth and started the bundle movement with Humble Indie Bundle (HIB).

Even though both of those are amazing, that is not why I look up to them. I have been following Wolfire for a few years now, well before HIB, and something that always stood out to me is just how open they are with their development process. They have weekly alpha video updates providing an overview of the progress made that week. Along with that they less frequently do art asset overviews. Occasionally they will make a blog posts about game tech. They even have livestreams for some of the members - David and Aubrey. Lots of great stuff and very inspirational to me.

When I started Crea I decided I wanted to apply this inspiration. When I come across a new opportunity to share I welcome it with open arms. When I decided to start a pivotal tracker to do project planning on; I made it public. I now do coding livestreams on nearly a daily basis. I like to think I am very open with my development. The other day I was reminded of my inspiration’s source after watching a reasonably old video with two guys from Wolfire doing a talk on Open Development.

I’m aspired not only to continue my growth as an indie in the same direction as Wolfire, but also to help improve, expand, and explore open development.

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