Author Archives: jmcmorris

Weekly Recap #25

After a massive amount of work, the first boss for Crea is just about done. I am really happy with how she turned out. I will do my best to keep spoilers to a minimum but this post will contain some boss spoilers.

This boss, is essentially a few monsters and a new biome all in one. Now that she is finished the code weighs in at 700 lines just for her. With everything related to the boss fight, I’d say it is more like 1000-1200 lines. To put this in perspective, the entire game is roughly 50k lines of code. This means that the boss is roughly 1/50th of the game code thus far. Crazy!

The fight plays out more like a Zelda boss fight. It is more than seeing how fast you can deal damage. Also, since the fight is in another realm we were able to make it so you cannot run away once the battle commences and if you die then you have to start over. In other words, we mean business!

Without further adieu, here are some screens!

Spoiler Inside SelectShow

Now that the boss is done, I am moving onto NPCs! I’m really looking forward to finally getting some in since I know they’ll add much to the game. I’ll go into much more detail about them soon.

Weekly Recap #24

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving – Kelley and I did. Got a few things to update you guys on. :)


First of all, tomorrow Kelley and I will be joining the 12 Days of Indie livestream event that is going on to support Toys for Tots. You can check out the livestream here. We will be on between 3-5PM PST. I’ll be sure to post it on twitter and facebook at that time. Someone will be playing Crea and we’ll also be giving away some copies. If you can help spread the word about the event that’d be amazing!

Next up, another 100 games have been Greenlit. This moves Crea that much closer to being selected. We are now at 73% of the way to the top 100. We have slowed down immensely to 1% every few days but I’m not worried. I know it’ll happen eventually. Just got to keep pushing it and hope we get picked up by some sites or larger youtubers/streamers. In case you have not voted for Crea on Greenlight yet, you should do that now!


Speaking of youtubers. On our forums, beta tester Dragoneer asked about our video policy and we decided to make a dedicated page on the topic. You can find that over here. In summary: Make videos! Do it!

As for game progress, things are moving along. I finally have Realms working smoothly with being able to move between then. I started adding in Realm options (rules). The first realm for the boss has several different rules, such as it does not loop horizontally, it is not saved to disk meaning it is regenerated every time you enter it, it also doesn’t use the conflict system or allow for mining.

With that working I moved onto putting together the boss realm. Thanks to the world generation code it was really easy to get things setup. I have a giant “stamp” that represents the entire realm and lots of rules for the different colors. Each pixel represents a tile or item. Here is what it is looking like so far. Lots of work remaining!


The nice thing about this is that I can very easily edit the image and have it be reflected in the game without any additional work. This will make it very easy for players to put together things such as a battle arena.

Another thing we did was go back and cleanup the Imbuing Chamber some. Now it has a cool animation that represents the progress of the imbuing. Two lines grow inward and once the imbuing is finished the colored area glows. It even changes color based on the type of remna being used!


Lastly, I threw together the mannequin item today. I really like how it turned out. I managed to avoid adding any new UI but still you can do several things with it.

  • Interacting with it while holding equipment will place that equipment onto it.
  • Using “collect” and clicking on a piece of equipment on the mannequin will make the equipment drop
  • Interacting with it can swap the gear from the mannequin onto the player

That last one is awesome because it’ll make switching gear sets very easy. Want to change your gear from warrior to mage? One click!


I have one last thing planned for mannequins that is amazing but I’ll save that for when I get to implement it. Don’t worry though, it wont be long!

This next week we are working on the first boss more. Hopefully will get close to finishing that up. We’ll see how it goes. I’m still considering when I want to release this next update. It is going to be big but I’m not sure how big. I’m kind of considering holding out for awhile longer since things have died down and then release with the first big boss, NPCs, new biome and several new monsters. It would mean a longer wait but lots of new stuff to experience for those that have played several times over.

One last thing, how do you feel about spoilers? Are screenshots of the first boss area (and maybe with first boss) too much? I may be posting those in the future unless everyone wants to experience them in game first.

Weekly Recap #23

Sorry about missing last week’s recap. I don’t know how but I did something to my neck about 10 days ago and evey since I have had a constant migraine, and did not feel up to writing a post. Fortunately I’m just mostly better now. Anyways, enough about me. Lets talk Crea!

This last week saw some nice additions. The largest is the newly introduced remna and material imbuing. As you progress through the world some events are triggered which unlock remna, which is a mysterious energy source that can be used to enhance items. This process of imbuing materials is quite simple.


Drop remna into one slot, the material into another and you’re off! The two sources move inwards to the center and once they reach it the two items are converted into a higher quality material. For example, lumber embued with remna creates refined lumber.

Any remna element type can be used for item imbuing – elements come into play in another upcoming system, Grafting. However, imbuing does take a minute so if you have a lot of materials to enhance, it might be worthwhile to get a few chambers up and running. Think laundromat! (chambers are not coin-operated)

The other major change I made was limiting the recipes you can research based off of your craft level. After watching some lets plays and listening feedback from other players I realized that this was the final issue with researching. Everyone would get 30 pieces of lumber, sit down at their research desk and research until they’ve exhausted either all their lumber or recipes. They’d be learning parts of recipes they’d not finish for hours.

Now instead you’ll learn what you need to know and what you’ll actually be able to make and save your resources for building and exploring. If there are remaining recipes to discover for an item then the category will have a red ‘!’ over it and the tooltip will mention requiring a higher craft level.


Research UI with a few enhancements

This does mean that your craft level is much more important now. The craft level of items are also much more important now. So I am working on finding the right balance and pace for its progression. I’d prefer to avoid grinding but also keep players learning recipes for items they’ll be needing soon. I’m sure this is something I’ll be fine tuning even after release.

Lastly, what I’ve been working on the last two days and what I’m continuing to work on is more Realms support since this next big update will see the introduction of a new Realm. This means I have to move things from theoretically to actuality. My two big milestones I’ve passed thus far is being able to travel from one realm to another (hacked together) and adding in a modified terraform generator to be able to easily generate realms. There is still lots to do around realms but fortunately this update is a nice halfway point.

One other thing I’ve been thinking about that I’d love some feeback on is my release cycle. I’m having trouble deciding the frequency that I should release updates. I can see merits in both a shorter term release cycle (1-2~ weeks) and longer term (4-6~ weeks).

Shorter term means faster feedback but potential for fatigue where existing players don’t have time to play the game again every week. Longer term means longer turn around time but more time to look forward to the update and many more changes in an update. One thing to mention is that releasing an update is usually about half a day of work for me. Sadly it is not instantaneous.

Thanks for reading and let me know what you think! Until next time.

Weekly Recap #22

This is a little late but it’ll have to do. Yesterday and today I became consumed with a fun feature I will be showing off tomorrow. Now that it is done I wanted to give a brief update of what has been going on this last week and what is coming up.

Most of this last week was spent fixing bugs and working on multiplayer, as well as a few features. Multiplayer is finally coming along. The largest victory with it so far is that I managed to reduce the horrible lag considerably. It still needs work but it is much more playable from my limited testing. There are still several crashes I have yet to track down, as well as a few oddities that occur when the connection experiences a hiccup.

Standalone server running with client in background

Standalone server running with client in background

I finally spent some time working on the standalone server and that is in pretty good shape already. It is working on all platforms and has some basic commands available. The best feature about it is that it is mod friendly – I made it easy to add new commands to it. There is still more I’d like to add but my initial goal was to get the basic server working for now.

Some of the code for the standalone server

Some of the code for the standalone server

Another cool feature I got in was the ability to provide a world seed during world creation. If you provide the same seed and select the same world size then it’ll create the same world (with a few small differences). Starting with the next version you will be able to find the world seed by opening worlds/world_name/seed.

World generation now with seed option

World generation now with seed option

Yet another 40 games were greenlit today which gave Crea a little bump. We are now 55% of the way to the top 100 Greenlight games. Not too bad, but we’ll need more exposure if we want to be greenlit in the near future. I’m continuing to reach out to people who can provide some more publicity for Crea.

As for this next week, I am getting tired of fixing bugs and working on multiplayer. I know I need to finish multiplayer, but I’m getting to the point where it’d be much more productive if I took a break from it and worked on some new content or fun features for the next big release. I will persevere a little longer and try to get multiplayer to a state worthy of another update in the next few days.

Don’t forget that I have something awesome I’ll be showing off tomorrow. Be sure to stop by!

Crea Release v0.6.3

A new version of Crea is now live on the Humble Store! This is mostly bug fixes with some feedback incorporated. Next build will be focused around multiplayer support (stability).

version 0.6.3
- Reenabled underground water and lava (accidently disabled)
- Add settings to main menu

- Added light source to fire spell
- Ensure UI dialogs are on screen when resolution changes
- Text fields in character and world creation are now autofocused

Bug Fixes:
- Resolved issue with changing to fullscreen
- Resolved issue with some UI dialogs not being initialized properly
- Resolved issue where active item was not correctly deactivated when toolbar changed
- Resolved issue where active items on toolbar would not be unequipped properly
- Resolved issue where a skill could be used with right click when grabbed
- Resolved issue where item delay could be set to 0 causing oddities with animation
- Corrected typo with Enchantment Robe requiring service “Workspace” instead of “Workstation”
- Resolved issues with slop physics resulting in unexpected behavoir
- Resolved some issues with UI not functioning properly with resolution change and alt+tab

Weekly Recap #21

So much going on, it is hard to keep up with it all! Last week we rolled out so much new stuff: website, two videos and a Greenlight page. Since the launch I’ve been fixing bugs and trying to gain publicity for our game. I also went on an excursion this weekend to the in-laws and day of the devs in SF.

Our Greenlight page is going pretty good so far. We are at 42% to the top 100 games – not too bad for one week. However, things are slowing down now that we are no longer on the first page. If you have not voted for us yet, then please vote now. If you have voted, first of all, thank you! Secondly, there are lots of ways to continue to help support us.

  1. Put the word out wherever you can, especially in communities that you frequent. I try to post in some forums, but promoting Crea is always better when it comes from fans than from me.
  2. Mention us to youtubers, livestreamers and news sites. I can provide a press copy to anyone willing to cover Crea. You can direct them to here -
  3. Help create a positive environment on our Greenlight page. Right now there are lots of people shouting that Crea is a Terraria clone. I would appreciate it if people would discuss Crea on it’s own terms rather than whether it is or isn’t a clone of something else. It would help a lot if Crea fans post constructive comments, questions, and feedback.

Crea has started to get publicity. At the top of the list is John and Landon of Bigsushi.


These guys host a podcast where they talk with indie devs about their projects. Yesterday they released an episode where they interviewed Kelley and I. We had a great time talking to them and it turned out to be an entertaining episode that I think all Crea fans would enjoy. If you enjoy it, be sure to check out some of their other episodes.

Gullofdoom put together a very funny video of himself playing Crea. We really got a kick out of it.

There are several other videos I’d love to share but I have much more to cover in this update. If you want to see more, follow @SiegeGames. If you do make any videos or posts about Crea, be sure to mention @SiegeGames.

With so much to keep track of, the only time I really get outside is when I go for a bike ride. I normally only go somewhere between 15-20 miles; however, I have done longer distances a few times but I am generally used to riding on flat ground.

This weekend I wanted to go on a ride with my father-in-law, who is a serious cyclist. I was feeling reasonably confident I could keep up and at the beginning of the ride I even said “we can go faster.” I spoke too soon though. After a slight dip we began to climb what seemed like forever. My young heart was about to give and my lungs cried out. It was obvious that some demon had constructed this hill purely for its amusement. As soon as it flattened out I bailed and flopped about for 10 minutes trying not to hurl. Alas, I am but a mere indie dev.


After I recovered and we began our descent to a more friendly route a group of 50 chattering carefree cyclist passed us going up the slight incline. I only managed to do 15 miles – half of what I wanted to do. Next time though, I will conquer the demonic hill.

Kelley and I had some other fun this weekend down in San Francisco at Day of the Devs, which was hosted by DoubleFine. After waiting in line for 45 minutes we got in and quickly discovered that this event was more of a club – so dark you could hardly see and so loud you could barely hear. Being introverted game developers, this was not exactly our scene. We were hoping for more of a chill environment where we could meet other developers and chat. Still, it is great that the event was put on and I commend all of those involved.

We are back home now and focused on working. A new build is coming very soon (tomorrow?) with lots of bug fixes. I will be working on refining multiplayer more now that things have calmed down and I have more time to invest into it. Some really great stuff is coming up in Crea’s development. I’m really looking forward to it!

Crea Release v0.6.1

A new version of Crea is now available on the Humble Store! This version contains lots of exciting changes. Most notable is the addition of 30+ new skills mostly consisting of magic. I would love to hear your thoughts in this version’s feedback topic. If you run into any bugs then please post them in this version’s issue topic.

Here’s the change log.

Crea v0.6.1
- Added lava
- Breakable pots underground
- Reworked talent UI
- Replaced Magic talent with Arcane and Divine talents
- Introduced many (30~) new skills most of which are usable
- Added simple tutorial dialog covering the controls
- Changed settings file format to JSON (editable) and moved controls into settings

- Replaced M.ATK and M.DEF stats with INT and MIND
- Implemented elements into combat
- Made monsters and monster spawners not able to spawn in areas with unnatural walls (such as wood walls)
- Reworked lighting
- Made it possible to only open one treasure chest at a time (May be changed back in the future)
- Made projectile spells break fragile tiles (pots, vines, foliage, etc.)

Bug Fixes:
- Resolved issue with bow animation now playing properly when held
- Resolved issue with stats not being properly removed when equipping an active item
- Resolved issue with trees sometimes not being harvestable
- Resolved issue where tiles could not be placed directly above the player
- Resolved issue where plants would sometimes be represented by the wrong stage of life graphics
- Resolved issues with opening treasure chests resulting in a crash
- Resolved several issues with multiplayer

Weekly Recap #20

I am getting quite anxious with the approaching release. Crea is currently in the hands of about 500 people. When I give access to all the remaining Kickstarter backers, which is soon, that number will double. Additionally, Crea will become available for $10 and there were many people who said they would preorder it at this price.

This is very exciting because it means many more people playing Crea which translates into even more feedback. Our Kickstarter backers have been beyond patient with me getting Crea into their hands, so I am happy to be finally delivering this part of our Kickstarter. While Crea has come a long way since the Kickstarter, it still has further to go. I hope players will keep this in mind when they run into bugs or see areas that need improvement. Also I’m a little scared because I will once again be handling all the bugs by myself.

One step at a time. This last week has been about trying to wrap things up. The newest version of Crea is now in the hands of the omega testers and thanks to their help many issues have been fixed. I am once again working on multiplayer. There are some latency issues most noticeable when fighting monsters but beyond that it is finally coming together.

Kelley and I have been working on a new website landing page to help introduce people to Crea. We are also starting to sketch out our thoughts on some new videos.

This week will be dedicated to finishing up all of these tasks and getting the new version out. Lots and lots to do!

Weekly Recap #19

Another week filled with much progress, bringing us closer to the next game update. The remaining skills were finished this week. They turned out great and will really make a difference in game! I also worked on several miscellaneous tasks some of which had been floating around in the icebox for months. Here are some of them.

  • Collect skill can be used to harvest some of the small plants. No punching trees though. ;)
  • Engine now supports image masks which will be used for pixel perfect collision. Some things, such as small plants, were hard to hit since they are so skinny.

Ashberry graphics with mask

  • Dialog placement is now saved with the settings
  • Added a timer for status effects


Yet another thing I managed to work on was the underground. Now lava and pots are spawned underground, which looks awesome. Lava now causes massive damage when you fall into it – don’t do that! Pots can be broken and occasionally drop some loot. Gotta break’em all!


Oh, I also fixed a handful of issues that our amazing testers reported. As I said, this was a good week for progress!

I am now working on cleaning things up and trying to balance combat. Everything was extremely loose before and with the addition of 30 new skills it is now completely awkward. Once I make at least one pass on balancing, I will push a build to the omega testers. While they are testing I will be working on a spiffy new landing page for our site and fixing up multiplayer. I also want to fix up the underground more and do some polishing before the next update. Lots to do!